Sneak peek was inconclusive :(

I did a sneak peek test Wednesday last week, sent it off, just got the results this morning and they were ‘inconclusive’ I’m actually gutted! It wasn’t too early as I was almost 8 weeks when I took the test (confirmed by scan at 8w1d). They said they’re sending me a new test but I don’t really want to go through all the blood collecting again in case it comes out inconclusive again so I asked for a refund🙃
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What is a sneak peak test? X

Did they give you any reasoning why? Did you give them enough blood in the sample? They need at least the 0.5ml (until the black line). Just to be sure I put slightly more ( just above the line a bit) and all was good!

@Zuzana I filled it to the top of the line exactly, they didn’t give an exact reason just the generic email that says the possible reasons. My thought is that maybe something happened during shipping as I’m in the UK and it ships to America. Or it took too long and the blood clotted maybe. No idea! X

@Leena it’s an early DNA test to detect the gender, you can Google it for more detail :) x

Same here. It was sent Wednesday morning and last night I’ve received an email saying‘inconclusive’. So disappointed… I was 6+2 at that moment and I feel exactly like you. Maybe our anxiety about blood collection make the blood clots worse or it took so long to manage the all process. But second time is always easier. Looking forward to receive the new test. 😁

@Ioana I hope your new test works better and gets you a result, good luck! I just opted for a refund cause I really didn’t like the blood collection so really don’t want to do that again in case it just ends up being inconclusive again😂 we’ll just wait til a gender scan! X

If you don’t mind me asking how do you collect the blood ect? X

Did they give you the Lancet or the arm snap thing to collect the blood? I just wonder if one happens to be more likely to give you inconclusive. I did the snap thing and mine came back with results at exactly 6 weeks.

@Kayleigh it’s a finger prick lancet and you collect the blood drops from your finger

@Melony are you in the UK? I always thought the snap wasn’t available here, cause there was no option do do that one, I’ve heard that one is better as well x

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