@Sandra Thank you, I'll definitely try that 🙏 she's such a light sleeper and is always nosey I worry she won't want to miss out lol
Do you have blackout blinds you can take with you? We had ones that suckered onto the window… they were quite handy when we went on holiday!
What @Sandra said the bed is the cot when your outside dont feel like you have to rush to end your night as long as you have home conforts blanket comforter fave toy bottle youll be fine! Enjoy the holidayx
@Amanda have you tried snooze shades? They saved naps on the go for us
Also if you LO has white noise or a comforter, bring that out with you too. Make the environment as close to how it is at home as possible
Treat her pram as her cot - do the routine as usual but put her in her pram instead and go about your evening and hopefully she will still go down for her bedtime sleep in pram and then you can transfer her to her cot when you're back