Positive and inconclusive

Had anyone ever had a positive at home pregnant test then a inconclusive from doctor urine test? If so what was your end result?
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Yes! Last month it happened to me during my confirmation at my primary doctor. But they did the blood test and it confirmed positive

That looks positive to me! Congrats!

@Lauren so the urine one said inconclusive also and then when they did the blood test, it was positive

@Kim I hope so! This is gonna be our 3rd and final so excited

So exciting!!!! 🤗

@Maggie yep! Well, they told me my urine was negative flat out. But my hcg showed to be a 276, so it was definitely a false negative on their urine test Like, I was having dye stealers at home and was negative for them 😅

Yep! This happened with my first and I was so confused but they basically said there wasn’t enough HCG in my urine to pick up a full positive on the urine test yet, went back a few days later and boom positive! Congrats!☺️

You guys are giving me hope lol I was so discouraged my doctor just ordered a blood test he said urine isn’t always as accurate

I was wonder if I was making up the 2nd line lol

@Maggie you should be perfectly fine! If your doctor’s tests are like mine, they’re prob just the least sensitive 😅

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