Electromagnetic storms, solar flares

Hi everyone, I'm just wondering if anyone has been affected by the recent solar flares? There were some yesterday I believe on the 4th and I felt terrible all day. It seems to affect some people and not others. Just wondering if anyone has looked into this at all? I've started looking online but I'm not finding much yet.
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Hey Donna I have been reading about solar flares as well! They are going to increase with time!!! Stay positive, raise your vibrations and it should help! Try meditation or chanting it helps.

Yes 💯 I’ve been getting really bad headaches, my sleep has been really affected and my dreams have been crazy I’m sure it’s all connected. Stay hydrated and eat well and agree stay positive and keep your vibration high ✨✨💜

Yup I think there is something in it. I’m a chiropractor and I noticed that my clients with ME/Finromyalgia/CFS all reported worse symptoms or had flare ups when there are big solar flares. I also notice that the kids are little rat bags and more emotional than usual.

@Bhavya yes, I read that too! The sun is going to reach solar maximum next year from what I read. But I couldn't find much that said how that would affect people. I was so tired yesterday, I've never known fatigue like it. Then I discovered there were flares going on.

@Ali what are they saying their symptoms are? Mine was intense fatigue and tearfulness. I really felt low. I think as we are energetic beings it is bound to affect us but yet so many science articles discredit it.

@Donna I normally get migraines just because I suffer from those. But I've not had any, it's been fatigue that's got me.

Is this why I'm sleeping rubbish this last couple of days? I usually sleep so well but I'm exhausted! No idea where it's come from.

@Donna severe fatigue, brain fog and joint pain are the most common. They all thought I was a bit nuts when I suggested they check out their increase in symptoms and solar flares 😂

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