PCOS and Endometriosis

Hello everyone, I have been diagnosed with PCOS at an early age (14yo) so I had the time to metabolize it, however today I was told by my fertility doctor that I also have endometriosis with an endometrioma on my ovary. I can’t stop thinking that I’ll never be able to get pregnant and that my only option would be IVF and I think it won’t be an option for me (too expensive). Do you know if a doctor would still allow me to try with medications (letrozol or clomid) first? Do you know any success stories?
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Hi there, I have both also and have conceived naturally twice, although I lost one baby sadly. It took quite a long time and both times I was about to start IVF or thinking of it. Initially the doctors wanted me to try clomid first (but I didn't want to) that's when they didn't know I had endometriosis and only pcos. Second time around they were more keen on me going straight to IVF but could have been an age thing for me. It's taken a lot of work with regards to lifestyle and changes I think, but can happen! You may not necessarily need IVF. I'd recommend the book getting pregnant with pcos by Clare Goodwin.

Hi Jade, thank you for sharing your experience, it is encouraging! I’m hoping to be able to conceive with just the help of medication and/or IUI.

Good luck with it. I also should add that I did have a laprascopy to remove some of the endo, and also overian drilling to give myself the best chance

I see, thank you for letting me know 🙏🏻

You should probably do an HSG to check that your tubes are open. That's one of the largest concerns with Endo. But if your tubes are open I don't see why they wouldn't let you do ovulation induction meds (and/or IUI). I have an endometrioma as well and found out from my fertility doc. I don't have an official PCOS diagnosis, but it's been mentioned before as a possibility for me. I did 9 months of letrozole before pausing recently to explore some more options for the endo since I started having some episodes of severe pain. I've also had 5 IUIs.

@Taylor I actually did an SIS and that’s how they found out about the endometriosis.. however, they said that anatomically all looks good and my tubes are open. However, the following day I found out my husband semen is below optimal. I’ve only seen the lab results and did not talk to the doctor, so from what I saw and researched, to me it doesn’t seem to be good. But I’m guessing is pretty bad since the clinic called him and wants him to repeat the test. It’s been quite a difficult 5 days for me, as I have lost all hopes.

Hello, firstly I hope you’re ok ♥️ I don’t have PCOS but I have endometriosis and after 2 years of trying (and one miscarriage) was given letrozole. I don’t know if you have symptoms of low progesterone but I did (it can be common with endo) and I asked to supplement my progesterone (I used pessaries called cyclogest). I was very fortunate that it worked the first cycle - fingers crossed for you on your journey ♥️

@Georgia I’m doing fine, thank you for asking ❤️ I have not spoken with the doctor yet.. but it is a possibility that my progesterone is low. Also, because I don’t have a period. They were thinking of inducing it with supplemental progesterone. I’m just impatiently waiting to see what the doc has to say and what he recommends! I’m keeping my fingers crossed 🤞🏻

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