Tests after miscarriage

Hi guys, I had a missed miscarriage at 12-13weeks and started bleeding last Tuesday (9 days ago) and then had a surgery 2 days later as I wouldn’t stop bleeding (7 days ago). I decided to take some tests today as I am just desperate to try again and it’s the one thing I’m holding hope for. My pregnancy test is still positive and LH looks like I should be ovulating soon, but is the hcg in my urine giving me a false positive LH test? Should I wait until my pregnancy test is positive before I test for ovulation?
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This is the second time I’ve had to have the surgery, I didn’t get a negative pregnancy test until 2 weeks after the surgery & I bled for about a week after that, I didn’t ovulate until like 3/4 weeks after that! It’s probably too early to test and the ovulation test is probably bouncing off the fact you’ll still have HCG in your system etc x

You have to wait for a negative hcg test first to make sure any retained products have left the body, then you can check for ovulation

Ok thanks guys! That makes sense. I’m just hoping I get a negative pregnancy test soon so we can hopefully start trying again

@Sara I’m so sorry for your losses Sara! I hope you’re doing ok 🫶🏻 so you didn’t ovulate until around 5-6 weeks after the surgery?? Or 3-4 weeks after the surgery?

Hi sorry for your loss ……. I’ve been through similar and it’s horrible. HCG can definitely give you a positive LH test. I’m no expert but if it were me I’d probably wait till your HCG test is negative to stop any confusion. Maybe look for other signs of ovulation (if you get them) and BD whenever you can if you are ready to try again. Lots of woman get pregnant straight after miscarriages without a period in between. Good luck x

@Kat hi Kat, thank you for your kind words & im also so sorry for your losses! I’ve barely ever tracked my ovulation before so I’m not really very in tune with my body so the strips are the only way. I think I’m just stressing that I’m going to miss this window, as I’m so so desperate to try again. It took us 5 cycles to get pregnant with our last pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage, so heartbroken is an understatement 😔 we don’t seem to fall pregnant soon after trying for some reason 💔

Hey lovely. Firstly it can take up to 2 months for your body to return to normal. We have had 3 mcs and we had to wait for negative test and even though I used ovulation strips they showed I didn’t ovulate post loss due to hormones. So it’s good to mentally prepare for the wait and then try once you get your first period. The d&c or bleeding naturally is seen as an evacuation and not a period.

Yeah definitely need to wait for a negative hcg test before ovulation tests are reliable. Took around 3 weeks for me post surgical management. Peroid was then the next week exactly 28 days from surgery and ovulated cd14 the next cycle so things can go back to normal fairly quickly

5-6 weeks yes, however my first MC was a 3 months experience, im on day 9 since this second surgery - still not able to test yet 🩷

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