
I’m testing almost daily, line has been getting darker but today it was lighter. Is this something to worry about?
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Mine was the same but I guess it was the test that wasn’t good 😭 I have my bloods tomorrow praying everything is gonna be okey 🙏🏼

Praying for you 🩷!!

And you 🙏🏼🥰

I know it’s hard but try not to keep re testing! And just trust your body, it just causes over thinking / worry when your expecting lines to get darker, you’ll be fine! X

I used to do this and it caused so much anxiety. Try not to test every day mama - the more pregnant you become you get more hormones in your blood stream that it overwhelms the test ( look up hook effect). Trust your body and your baby 💜

@Luba @Arosa thank you ladies, I’ll try 😭🩵

@Aleena happened to me yesterday but it depends the time of day and also test everyday at the same time with the same test

How far are you?

@Mariah that defo could have affected it x mine was FMU

@Chloe I’m going to show you a photo comparing two tests. I literally was crying at 4am because the Clearblue came so faint and then look at number 16, it’s not at all, and it was done this morning

@Mariah Wow they are really rubbish!! How did you manage to get a whole batch of bad ones 😳

@Chloe and they weren’t from the same pack too!! I just did one first response after drinking so much water and it’s still dark. I’m never using Clearblue in my life. It made me so anxious!!

@Mariah Try and do them first thing in the morning before you’ve eaten or drank anything

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