Anyone got a positive pregnancy and then kept testing HCG ?

And then kept scrutinizing whether it was slightly lighter .. How sensitive are the HCG tests ? The one this morn is ever so slightly lighter than the one yesterday morn but yesterday morn I did first urine as I woke up and this morn I had a cup of coffee first ( decaf , don’t come for me 😂) Anyone had this ? Should it get much darker each day ? They are just cheap Amazon HCG tests …
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Mine only got noticeably darker every couple of days, but if I’d had a drink before testing it would be so light. It depends what tests you’ve got, I used the easy @ home ones which gradually got darker but if I used first response I’d be getting dye stealers. I tested every day until 7 weeks because I was so paranoid, one day I just had to stop because it was breaking me. Everything worked out ok, my 12 week old is asleep on me right now x

Ink varies test to test and it takes hcg 48 hours to double so you won’t see progression daily necessarily. Honestly I stressed about this on my last pregnancy (tests were much darker on first pregnancy) but my beta came back pretty strong to my surprise and my daughter from that transfer turns 1 next week.

@Abigail @Christin thank you so much. This is reassuring. I think I should just stop testing. I am 4 weeks and 3 days and have some lovely shooting / stabbing pains/ twinges in the middle low low down of my pelvic between the belly button and vagina so I’m hoping that the little one burrowing in even more and possibly my uterus starting to expand. Hopefully 🙏

I had similar pains too which worried me but it was all normal! Does your clinic offer an early scan? X

Thanks @abigal I was worried . I’m doing my scan in 3 weeks was hoping to do it at 6 weeks but 7 isn’t to bad I guess .

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