Struggling with routine so much! - especially bed time
So my LO wakes up at 10am/ 11am has her nap around 2pm sometimes one hour sometimes two hours and then fights her sleep usually sleeps around 9pm. I really want her to sleep earlier but because she wakes up late she wont sleep earlier. Now its taking an hour to get her down for a nap so shes sleeping at 10pm. I need tips 😢
I would definitely wake baby up at 7am/8am one day to reset the schedule. They try and extend that morning wake window so baby is going down around 11/12. That way she should be ready for bed around 7/8pm you would hope! My baby is currently a bed at 8pm and takes an hour to get to sleep. Depending when the nap is that can shift to 9pm and she can go to sleep at 10pm. Our schedule is currently this. Wake up between 6.30am and 7.30am Nap for 2.5 hours goes down between 12 and 1 most days. Wake up is between 2.30 and 3.30 depending on when she went down. Bedtime routine starts at 7/7.30 with the hope of going down at 8/8.30 depending on when she woke from last nap.