This was me 2 weeks ago, went for 40 week check up and found high blood pressure, protein in urine and my baby hadn't grown in 2 weeks, sent to hospital and induced. Honestly magnesium drip is no joke, would love to speak to someone with similar experience
@Samantha it is no joke. You can dm me if you want to talk
Had severe preeclampsia and eclamptic fits and I feel you on the magnesium 😓 for me to take it I had to be covered head to toe in cold compress! Baby is now 7 weeks old and yes I know the feeling i barely remember anything I ended up with a cat 1 c-section 🫶
@Amy yes the fan and maternity towels soaked in cold water to try and cool down I must of looked ridiculous
@Samantha loading dose of mag was the worst didn’t mind the transfusion so much it only went off every 10-20 minutes and small doses but the loading dose I refused the second lot and the doctor who was lovely went stern on me and told me off 😅 I looked at pictures from it and cried 😓
I had severe postpartum preeclampsia and that mag drip is no joke 😭😭