Feeling sad about my labor

Hey mamas I’ve been feeling sad and I guess left out about how my labor went. I had severe preeclampsia and borderline HEELP syndrome at 31+5 weeks. It was scary but my baby and I are healthy now! I was immediately put on a Magnesium drip which was AN EXPERIENCE to say the least and caused extreme exhaustion for me. I slept a lot. I was induced the next day due to concerning labs and she was born at 32 weeks. I remember the birthing part perfectly but everything before that is hazing and time seemed to zoom by and I barely remember most of it. It’s like I was there but wasn’t and I feel left out of my own laboring experience. Has anyone else experienced this ? Would love to talk to everyone about their experiences and if yall want I can share my birth story or at least what I can remember and was told in more detail. My baby 1 day old (3lbs 4oz) vs now 4 months old (9lbs 1oz)
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I had severe postpartum preeclampsia and that mag drip is no joke 😭😭

This was me 2 weeks ago, went for 40 week check up and found high blood pressure, protein in urine and my baby hadn't grown in 2 weeks, sent to hospital and induced. Honestly magnesium drip is no joke, would love to speak to someone with similar experience

@Samantha it is no joke. You can dm me if you want to talk

Had severe preeclampsia and eclamptic fits and I feel you on the magnesium 😓 for me to take it I had to be covered head to toe in cold compress! Baby is now 7 weeks old and yes I know the feeling i barely remember anything I ended up with a cat 1 c-section 🫶

@Amy yes the fan and maternity towels soaked in cold water to try and cool down I must of looked ridiculous

@Samantha loading dose of mag was the worst didn’t mind the transfusion so much it only went off every 10-20 minutes and small doses but the loading dose I refused the second lot and the doctor who was lovely went stern on me and told me off 😅 I looked at pictures from it and cried 😓

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