I had 14 eggs collected, 12 mature and ended up with 4 good quality embryos. My first round I had 23 collected, but only 2 fertilised and then only 1 made it to day 5 and wasn’t good quality. I had OHSS first time round so more eggs isn’t necessarily a good thing, had much better results second time round with similar numbers to you. Fingers crossed you get some good news on day 5 🤞🏼🥰 xx
@Cam wow what great numbers! You’re right, only takes 1 🤞🏽 hoping for good quality. I’m not doing genetic testing so won’t know how many are normal, I know it increases pregnancy rates but I can’t. Have you done a transfer yet? Hope everything is going ok for you, this process is intense!
I had 17 eggs retrieved 11 were mature and 6 made it to day 5. I have my 3rd transfer coming up. The first transfer ended in miscarriage. The second transfer was unsuccessful. Hoping 3rd time is the charm.
I Had 11 collected, all mature. 10 fertilised. 6 made it to day 5.
I had 14 collected. 10 were mature and we got 3 embryos
16 eggs, 13 mature, all fertilized, 3 frozen. Pregnant with first transfer
@Laura thank you for sharing! Did you do genetic testing on the good quality embryos?
@Charley wow! Congratulations ❤️❤️
@Chloe incredible! Good luck 🙏🏾
@Stacy so sorry to hear about the miscarriage. Wishing you all the luck for transfer 3 🤞🏽🤞🏽
Egg retrievals are such a roller coaster! We were told we had 7 good follicles then that they had collected 18 or something but then the only 7 were good and became day3 and 4 to day 5. So to me I’m like well all along it was those quality seven that made it! quality not quantity
No we didn’t have genetic testing done x
For both my IVF cycles - 15 eggs collected, 12 matured and fertilised only 1 embryo at the end! Both those cycles were successes! 1st cycle is now 1.5yo and am 24 weeks with my 2nd cycle embryo!! Only takes 1 embryo!! Baby dust to you! X
@Isabela rollercoaster for sure! Good luck!!
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@Hope this is so amazing to hear! Congratulations 🥰🥰
I know you are set in not doing genetic testing but in the long run you will save yourself a heartache and a bunch of money. I did not do it the first round and ended up loosing both kids and ultimately paying more money to do another round of IVF and this time round did genetic testing. Sure enough 50% of my embryos were abnormal. I know it’s a very personal decision that I respect but if you can do it please go ahead.
We got 19 eggs collected. 13 fertilized and 8 made it to 5 day embryos. 6 came back as genetically normal. Based on our experience, around half of the eggs collected result in embryos. Fingers crossed you get good numbers!
We had 14 collected, 10 fertilised, went down to 8 on day 3 and we have our transfer this Saturday
I had 11 mature eggs. 8 fertilized and made it to day 6. 3 of the 8 were genetically normal. It depends on a bunch of factors, including your age. 12 is a good number. When you get into really high numbers like OHSS, the quality of the eggs may not be so good. Your number may not drop much from day 1 to day 3, I find they usually drop off between day 3 to day 5. The “rule of thumb” is it’s about half to blast, then half normal, so my best guess would be 3 for you too, which is great! You only need ONE ! ❤️