Thrush or bv

I’ve got symptoms of thrush but after sex a fishy smell I got tested and it’s come back negative but I still have symptoms? Has anyone tested negative but actually been positive? Should I get my doctor to test again?
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I’d strongly advise you to get checked for STIs as crazy as that sounds. Just to cover all bases.

I would get tested again x

It’s definitely bacterial vaginosis! Get tested again! Xx

This is exactly what happened to me and I had BV. They did a vaginal swab and it came back positive. I would ask for another swab. BV creates fishy smell and increased watery/greyish discharge. Thrush causes itching, increased white discharge that is normally odourless and sometimes swelling. If they give you antibiotics for the BV, ask for some thrush treatment to use after if needed. The BV antibiotics have a very common side effect of causing thrush. This is what happened to me and it was awful hahahah

The thing is I don’t have itchiness or soreness just white discharge and then after sex a fishy smell, I’m going to get tested again xx

Deffo sounds like BV rather than thrush. Another vaginal swab should pick it up x

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