Pregnancy tests

Am currently pregnant 4+5 and I went to hospital the other day with cramps they couldn't see anything and said there was a small clot inside (haven't passed anything) and they told me to keep testing and if still postive in 2 weeks to go back. Am testing with one step tests and my friend is saying they should be darker and tbh not making me feel better. Can people show me there tests at this stage. I also had my beta done and wad only 76 that seems low to me
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Top was my fmu and send was like 2 hours ago

I found these strips to be fairly light compared to other tests when ive been using them. Im 5+4 and i found other tests from tesco/superdrug etc showed up darker compared to these ones you have used. Your still only early so it could take a few more days/weeks of testing for it to get darker. Have you tried another test? Also, i believe the HCG levels should be between 5 and 70 at 3 weeks and 5 and 426 when your 4 weeks so you could be pregnant, maybe just too early to see on a scan possibly? X

Its got darker though which is a good sign ☺️ I know sometimes they dont recommend scans before 6 weeks as not always able to see anything, your best bet is to wait, which I know isnt very nice when your worried x

I know it can be easy to fall Down a rabbit hole doubting yourself, my tests were exactly like this at 4+5 try not to worry to much, everyone’s beta is different, I’ll post my tests at 4+5, feel free to drop me a message if u need any help ❤️

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