@Alissa I just don’t feel overly happy with how’s he acting since we started it. I know they say to give it some time but I’m trusting my gut and going with 360. He’s had it in the beginning so maybe his system will be a little familiar with it
@Abigail that was definitely the case with my LO. When we use it he doesn't fight the bottle or get upset part way through. I hope it works for your LO!!
Call your doctor's to see what they suggest
@Alissa same one I use!
My son also hated gentelease we switched him to Similac sensitive and he LOVES it. Also helped with his tummy issues and spit up! :)
our son loves similac pure bliss and is mostly breastfed!
Anything goat derived, it’s super easy on the tummy and as close to breastmilk as we can get. We use kendamil but there are many other options.
With my first baby, I stopped pumping at 4 months and transitioned to formula. We tried a few different things before settling on the Australian brans Bubs it has a goat milk option. When trying formulas, if he didn't seem to like it after the 2nd 3rd bottle, we got rid of it. We didn't try for weeks when it was clear what wasn't gonna work. I also works taste them and if it was nasty or tastes like chemicals, we moved on the the next.
My babe hated gentelease. The one he takes when we need to mix bm and formula is the Similac 360 total care. I think he takes that because it was what the hospital used when I just started to pump and he needed formula