Can labour start suddenly without any former pains / symptoms?

I had cramping and backache on and off for 4 days but today absolutely nothing, I have so much energy and no pain at all. It’s frustrating as I’ve had cramps previously and thought it might be early labour. Is it possible to just have contractions come on all of a sudden ?
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Yes absolutely. Energy spurts are also quite common before going into labour so I wouldn’t be disheartened! Good luck :)

I just feel like it isn’t going to happen for me. I want the baby out so badly but I’ve not got any symptoms at all anymore other than energy burst. :(

Ive been worried about the exact same thing, with my first i had signs and pains for 24hrs before but this time ive had less signs and feel pretty much normal even though its my due date today.

I had my baby last Wednesday with no signs beforehand. Just woke up in the morning having pains and he was here by lunchtime! I was extremely fed up and thought he was never coming on his own

@Molly Oakes how far along were you? I’m so happy for you. Did you have a sweep or something ?

Also, were you doing anything eg birthing ball/ walks etc

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