Is it possible?

Hi everyone. I got a positive pregnancy test Monday which was the day I expected my period. Last night I started cramping and felt something leak and of course I had a bleed. The bleed was more bright than this but not loads. I feared a chemical but I had one in October and this is different. This morning I’ve wiped and this. I am so confused. I have already convinced myself I’ve lost the pregnancy but then seeing this I’m doubting myself. If what I read rightly you can’t get a positive test before implantation can you? Can you implant then then bleed and cramp a couple days later? I’m just so confused and at a loss with what’s going on
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This could definitely be implantation unless your bleeding gets heavier you could always ring the doctors and see what they say but definitely scarier when this happens. Hope everything is ok 🙏 x

@Shannon thank you. After this wipe it’s brown that’s coming away with a couple tiny brown clots

Oh bless you that doesn't sound too good I've been through a lot of miscarriages myself hopefully everything is ok have you spoken to the doctor?

@Shannon I’ve not no. I had a miscarriage in March there and what hurt me the most was going to them early and seeing a heartbeat it made the loss worse to me so I don’t even want to go down the routes of referring myself to maternity until time has passed and I’ll get a private scan before I go. I’m barely losing anything now and the bleeding isn’t like my chemical or miscarriage. I’ve had a subchronic bleed before and it’s not like that either. I’m hoping it could be implantation but I suppose time will tell xx

Aww bless you I know how you feel I had a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks and it nearly broke me! Ah that sounds good hopefully that's just what it is I've had major bleeds before and still had a healthy pregnancy fingers crossed let me know how you get on xx

What was the outcome? I hope positive. I am going through something similar. Thanks!

@Emma my bleeding went brown and stopped. My pregnancy tests got darker and I’ve now started getting sore boobs so seems it was implant bleeding. I thought you couldn’t get a positive before that bleed which was the by I was so concerned but clear blue actually says you can. Staying hopeful and positive for now 🤞🏼

How many days did you bleed for? & when you did have a bleed can I ask what colour it was? Can I ask how many weeks you were when the bleeding started? I had a positive test then 2 days later as you have described above. Thank you

@Emma I was really only a total of about 24 hours. The first wipe was red then it went pink tinge when wiping then brown. My weeks are a bit uncertain because my period is shorter. Going from my LMP I was 3 weeks 4 days but it was the due date of my period. What is your bleeding like? Xx

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