@Nicole those are pretty
Thank you my fiancé doesn’t like any of them so still thinking myself
My husband and I haven’t found out the gender yet. But we plan on doing the blood test to get it early. We agreed on: Finn Ollie Sawyer
I loved the name Yves pronounced (eve) for a boy
The app I use called Pregnancy + , has a whole list of 100 names and they go based on nationality its alot to choose from
Jaice, Wesley, Hayden
James John ,Zade
Do you have a style or vibe you like? Modern, classic, nature, etc?
@Ellie i want something different and unique
@Grete https://www.fatherly.com/life/unique-baby-boy-names?utm_source=google&utm_medium=halyard&utm_campaign=h_fa_00002&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwjqWzBhAqEiwAQmtgT2iakLCQcNYrsEgj5X3rRu2-Xve96OzE8uZ2sAn7Ur24_YMHxIjr3BoCN0oQAvD_BwE Here's a big list of unique boy names. Some names I like but can't use that might fit that are: Fox Marlon Andre
Carter Karson Chase Nolan