Line progression - preparing for chemical

This is my first pregnancy and I’m 4+2 weeks. I’ve been tracking my line because I’ve never been pregnant and I’m anxious and been TTC for so many years. Yesterday (15dpo) my FRER was lighter but my easy at home was progressing so I thought it may be a faulty FRER test. But today (16dpo) easy at home looks slightly lighter. What are we thinking? I don’t have a good feeling about this.
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@Kirsty thank you I’m sorry for your loss❤️ Were your tests taken daily? How long until it was clearly fainter?

@Jessica sorry for you loss❤️

Hi, so my tests were taken daily apart from 2 days where I took one in the afternoon too. I started at 8dp5dt (13dpo) and ended 19dp5dt (24dpo).. I had ivf and was on a high progesterone support so I do think that prolonged things a bit for me where the line didn’t get darker but not lighter.

@Kirsty thank you❤️

Thank you! I hope it’s not the case for you. If it helps, with my son I had days where the tests were lighter but then they were darker the next. You might just have more diluted urine some days. He’s 19mo now, scared me so much at the time but it was all okay. Good luck ❤️

No symptoms but had a scan this morning and 7w2d with strong HR of 153🥹

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