Daily Testing

Are you guys doing daily testing? I feel it will be more anxiety provoking as I have read that a positive is a positive and they are not meant to be used for tracking pregnancy. Wondered what other people’s thoughts were?
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I tested most days until I was 5 weeks, then I tested every few days until I was 6 weeks. I’ve stopped now (33DPO) as I know one day the hook effect will happen x

What is the hook effect? Did you see line progression during the time you tested? I just feel like if a few are lighter for example it could be more anxiety producing

The hook effect is where you HCG levels are so high that the test actually defaults and shows as fainter/lighter. A way to test to see if it’s because of the hook effect is to do a second test with diluted urine. And I did yeah! I would say it you’ve got strong dark positives to stop testing as seeing a fainter line may stress you out more xxxx

Thank you for explaining the hook effect - hadn’t heard of that

Thank you! Those look great

Maybe I’ll check again in a week or so rather than daily

I did this with my first pregnancy but I did find it anxiety inducing, but once I'd started I couldn't stop! I did have some bleeding which made my anxiety worse, and I ended up going for a scan at 9 weeks just to calm myself. So I'm trying hard to avoid it now with my second pregnancy, but I won't lie, it is tempting to keep testing x

Thank you Betty. I think I will try and do the same if I can 🤞🏻

I was on antibiotics for a uti so we only did it twice but it was on my peak day and the second day after that and it worked, and we use conceive plus

Nope I can’t … even seeing others doing it online makes me anxious. I’ve done one single test and that was enough for me

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