
Do any other mommies struggle with their 3yr old not eating? 😫 My stress is out the roof with my toddler not eating. Any suggestions of how you get your toddler to eat are welcome.😫
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Yes. We did a year of OT for it. We tried reward charts. Still struggling to this day

My baby girl is 3 and has certain days she barely eats. I’ve learned if they’re hungry they’ll eat. Just try to make snack and meals you know they like more often or offer it and they take it if they want it. I’ve also noticed with my daughter she won’t eat when it’s time to eat. She likes to have it sit out until she’s ready to eat or snack. So making foods that are still decent at room temp help me lol.

Yeah we did OT as well.. 😫

You’re not alone. My handsome boy has moments where he doesn’t eat and then moments where he’s eating a lot! It’s normal in some kids. There’s really no specific word or phrase for it but my oldest two who are 7 and 9 now went through it around the same age. I was concerned too and talked to his doctor but she said as long as he/she isn’t showing signs of not feeling well they should be fine. 🩵🩵 Watch as soon as they hit another growth spurt wave they’ll be eating you out of house and home. 😂✨

Also if they seem to take interest in at least SOMETHING just let them eat that they’ll come around to full healthier meals soon.

Hey I’m an OT here if your little guy is losing weight and has a very limited diet it won’t hurt to work with a therapist who’s experienced in feeding. It can be hard on you to come up with ideas! My little guy was born with a condition where he has a hole in the soft palate of his mouth and trust me i understand the other side too! I just wanted to be his mom and not his therapist 🥹 I hope this helps 😀

I asked my pediatrician and he said this is normal from 3-5 he pulled out a chart and showed me data of how much they consume and why during these ages eating is less often .

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