@Mommy Side note, I just looked at your profile, and saw that your baby boy's birthday is the same day as my birthday! 😆 I'm glad I'm not alone! I'm sure I could share these feelings with my husband, but it's also nice to empathize with other women about 💗 Do you do anything about that feeling, or do you kind of just let those moments pass?
I understand 100%
I completely get this. I love my step kids but they will never see me as there mom mom and that is to be expected but when you don't have that bond your missing something that you do get from your own child. Regardless I definitely love and care for them like there my own and I always will but they also have a mom already. So it's a weird place to be. But yet I let these moments pass as much as I can and it's just the reality of being a step parent I guess. It's harder then I thought it would be. Almost harder then parenting your own kid in a way because they most likely will never veiw you the way your own child will.
@Lisa 🐞 @Kelsey YES! Like, it's cute the way my SS says my name, and that's certainly special in its own way (especially with his speech delay, when he says "Mommy" it still sounds like "Daddy") but I'm so excited to get to be called Mommy/Mama, etc. 🥺
I think it's completely normal. They don't look at you as their own mom and you don't look at them as your own children. You can still love each other so much. I believe this is the healthy, normal way.
@Mei I try to let them pass. It has caused a lot of arguments. Sadly.
Totally natural. It sounds like you're doing great. Congrats on expanding your family. 🙂
@Mommy That's understandable. 😕 I'm here if you ever need someone to vent to about it!
@Bonny Thank you for your insight, and thank you so much!!
I understand that I have two stepdaughters (8 and 10 year) and my little one is 10 month old. Sometimes I feel I love my son more then my stepdaughters but still love as much as can as stepmother. My stepdaughters BM is still in the pictures so I know that I can't replace thier BM. It is hard being a stepmother some day are better then other days.
See people walk on eggshells around this but the bigger issue is that blended families fall under unnatural. It’s not what naturally happens and fits. So no your not going to have the same strong motherly instinct and your not going to have the same feelings. Not saying it’s impossible yet it’s also not commonly natural!
Yes girl. I just had a baby in February and I have a 6 year old SS and I feel the same way