Evaps? Help!

Hey everyone, I have a very complicated pregnancy history and my PCOS has also been really hard. I recently started TTC via AI donations done at home. I had one donation on the 4th and one on the 5th. I’m due on my period today. I took a test this morning after having a vvvf (possible false positive) on Monday and I think I can see a vvvvf line on this mornings also, but very confused because I hasn’t got darker. Could I have some opinions please? How dark should a second line be on the day of your suspected period start. I’m actually going crazy with all of this! So confusing! More pictures in the comments 🌸 Thanks in advance 🫶🏽
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That is Def a evap line X if it's past 5 mins waiting time then it's Def a evap

@Saleema thankyou lovely. It came up within the 5 mins timeframe x

@Jayden-Rene then it could be something xx wait another week and test again with first morning urine and if it's a Def positive 🙂 it'll show darker and more pink x

@Saleema I shall do 😊 thankyou!xx

@Jayden-Rene great 😃 and welcome 🤗 xx will w8 for Ur update

Hey, there’s defs a faint line there ……… I’d take that as very promising if it were my own. Everyone’s different with timing so I’d say it’s right on track for early pregnancy. I’d be very hopeful looking at that …… keep testing every morning or every second morning with first morning wee, if your pregnant it should gradually get darker. Just a little side note - I’ve taken a lot of tests and had 7 different pregnancies and they all start out faint like that ….. never had an evap line. It’s much more common to get a false negative than a false positive. Good luck, keep us posted x

@Kat thankyou so much! I’ll definitely keep you updated 🥰xx

Is that with first morning wee? It could still just be too early ……… I’m driving myself crazy with early testing atm but I’m trying to remember that it’s still early on and I’m not out until period arrives x

@Kat it is yes, over 4 hour hold. That’s very true, thankyou for the reminder lovely xx

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