TW: TTC after miscarriages. I feel like I've got issues in my head.

I had a miscarriage in Oct then another in Feb. We've been TTC again. I do have a 4 year old. For the past 3 days I've had an increase in white, milky discharge which feel like it's just dripping out. There's no smell to it. I'm due on my period in a week. Pregnancy test is negative. But this is unusal for me. I feel like I've got some sort of mental issue. I feel like my body is failing as a woman. Why couldn't my body keep hold of them baby's? Why am I struggling to get pregnant when the Dr's say there's nothing wrong with me (took 10 months to conceive my first child, took 3 years to conceive the first miscarriage). I find my self testing every month before my period. I buy the massive multi packs of tests off amazon so I can test so often and if I don't have a test in I have to buy one. What is wrong with me? Why can't my brain just say "you've got no symptoms stop testing"
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Im right here with you ❤️ also had two misscarriages in a row, close to each other, and im thinking the same as you, that im failing as a woman and why i couldnt get to keep my babies. Im in my tww and ever since ovaulation i have had really much creamy White discharge, had the same one time and that was when I got pregnant the first time but never before or after. I wish you luck, that you go to get your rainbow baby soon 💕

Hey sis, I’m 6 miscarriages in a row here . One thing I did I stopped blaming myself. Your a prisoner of your own throughts. I am no doctor but this sounds like a trauma response . I was doing the same exact thing. Until I kept a diary and wrote down letters to all my babies, thoughts and every single ounce I felt. You need to find a coping mechanism, otherwise anxiety and PTSD will eat you up. I pray you find healing and don’t lose hope 🫂

Hi lovely. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I had 3 losses before I had my rainbow baby. It's been a massive mental challenge for me. Funnily enough, I'm a Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist. I knew all the signs. But couldn't see it in myself. After losing the 3rd baby (at 5 months!) I realised it's was my mindset. I wanted a baby but I also didn't. I had so much fear in me, from all sorts. Money, the pain of birth, the stuff happening around pregnancy, possible failure as a mom, losses, depression, anger, anxiety, guilt and so much more! I then went on a 6 month journey to reframe my mind. To clear myself of all negativity that I was carrying. Your Mind and body has a HUGE connection. I knew I had to fix my mind to fix my body to ultimately have that baby!

If you are interested, you can jump on a free consultation call with me. No obligation to continue if you feel it's not the right thing for you, but, coming from a mom who knows the mental struggle and being a therapist, I think I can help you. Xx My website is broken at the moment, struggling to sort it out but working on it. You can get to the homepage but no other pages which is super annoying! But from the homepage you should be able to book a free call with me if you'd like to. I work online too so you can be anywhere in the world.

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