
Hi everyone, Feeling a bit at my wits end with my little boy - born end of October 2020, so he’s 3 and a half. Lately his behaviour has been really really challenging - I’m exhausted with it. I don’t know if it’s normal or something more that I should be exploring. Really wilful, screaming and crying, huge meltdowns (especially anywhere new or if I tell him no) what feels like every day, hates being separated from me to the point of coming to find me or asking where I am if I leave the room. He still isn’t potty trained despite me trying and yet lately, he’s had a really bad nappy rash because we’ve travelled and he ended up with travelers diarrhea. He can be really sweet, is very affectionate and loving, is bright and smart… I just feel like the only person in the world (especially if we go out!) that has a 3 year old who is kicking off.
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You are not the only one! My daughter is also end of Oct and she has tested and pushed me beyond belief recently. Her behaviour and meltdowns feel like she has regressed back to 18 months old. Everything is a huge huge battle, doesn’t listen and I find myself just really not enjoying her at the moment. She is exactly the same with being unbearably clingy even if we are in different rooms. She is also very bright and smart. Every time we are in a public place I feel like I’m the only parent who is constantly saying/calling their child’s name because they’re doing something they shouldn’t, I’m bored of hearing myself say it! X

Sounds like we've all got threenagers! God it's exhausting at times...mine has started biting when he's annoyed/angry which is so embarrassing! We had to come home from shopping yesterday coz he threw a right paddy in the middle of a shop, I think he's worse when we're both around him he likes to test us, see how far he can push us.... Once I got him 1 on 1 he could say that he was hungry (he'd refused his snack before) and he seemed to come round quickly. But their emotions just take them over done they Stay strong, let's hope this stage passes soon 💕

My son went through this a few months ago! It stopped after a few months. How is his verbal communication? My son was way worse when he was fired, thirsty, or hungry. I could ask him if he was hungry & he’d get angry and yell no. But if I put cut up fruit in front of him without saying anything, he’d eat it! Try and be gentle with him but set boundaries. Clear and consistent without losing your temper. Hard, yes I know, but toddlers need a kind yet strong leader, not a boss. The nappy rash could also be really Hurting him, try adding something to the bath that could Help sooth it. Ask your pharmacist

OMG I feel like I've just read a page from my life right now! Can totally relate to all these comments! I too feel like I'm the only one going through this, I watch the other children at preschool and my friends children and I'm always the only one that seems to be in the threenager stage..... let's hope it doesn't last too long!x

Thank you everyone for replying - I’ve been having a really hard time with this because I am without my village and essentially just raising him with my husband, who travels a lot. I feel guilty because I’m really not enjoying him right now, I love being a mum, being his mum, but at the moment I am finding holding my boundaries AND keeping my cool really hard. Reading that your little ones are also pushing hard helped me to feel less alone ❤️ I know we will get there in the end, his communication has come on SO FAR, and he’s been having a lot of change lately, so I hope for all of us that this is a phase and we can look back and say “we made it through!”

I don't know if this will assist anyone. But has anyone's child read The Colour Monster? I know the read it a lot at nursery We've put the 6 colours onto a piece of card and when he's having a big feeling he can point to it and show us. We've only been using it since last weekend but it seems to be doing ok!

@Jai I will look for this!

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