FTM concerns 😆
@Sandra @mamasmilk on Instagram is a great person for breastfeeding advice 😊
@Ellie Emily Page?
@Sandra Yep that's the one 😊
Thanks 😊
You can do it! I’m still EBF and food of course ( she is 16 months old now) I weigh 89 pounds and I have really small breasts! Not only breastfeeding still, but also donating breast milk to a milk bank. You will be fine 💕💕
Do not worry about producing milk right now. Breast size does NOT determine how much milk you'll make. Colostrum production does not determine. When you give birth and are breastfeeding - pumping also doesn't give you a good sign. If your baby is gaining weight and having enough wet and dirty nappies then you're producing enough 😊 it's very uncommon to not produce enough (with proper support if you struggle). Also I don't believe you can get vegan formula without a doctor's prescription (I'm not 100% sure) 🥰