@Alaina this was temporary while we wait to get our insurance out here cause they take care credit, so hopefully I’ll have more options in the future! I was just shocked. Plus the contraceptive was 3x the cost than in California.
Ita not just Texas. I was in MO and my 6 week appointment was a male doctor trying to get me to get an IUD... "it only hurts for a second. Most of my patience say they can't feel it..... oh it only moves if it's not out in right. I've never had issues...). My guy, I walked in saying I didn't want BC. SO annoying. At.least he didn't mention my husband thank God
@Racheal we need to start asking them if they want their cozy vasectomy’s
I’m in Texas and this has never happened to me or anyone I know. Find a new dr or midwife
That is so inappropriate!! And uti insertion definitely hurts lol - they should honestly provide anesthesia for it but they minimize it and call it a “pinch” because women’s pain is not taken seriously. Very glad this is just a temporary provider for you, hope your new doctor is better!
I live in TX and just know you’re not alone! I’d ask for a new doctor 😒