Aptamil Pepti 1

Hiya guys! My LO has just been prescribed Aptamil Pepti 1 yesterday. Would like to hear some people experiences with their little ones on it and any tips you could give would be great! this is all so new to me x thanks in advance xx
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So my little boy hated it at first and ended up loosing weight. Best tip we received is use a bit of vanilla flavouring (alcohol free) at first as the smell is bad and since we did that he loved it and eventually after a week we stopped adding it in and would tolerate a whole bottle. Also the formula itself is very very thin compared to normal milk. We added carobel into each bottle as our baby had server reflux. Felt like a cocktail but after 6 weeks we cracked the combination for us. Also personally i found it easiest to make the old fashioned way. So boiled water (for a hot shot) and topped the rest up with cooled boiled water as this milk you can’t really pre-prepare and can’t use any pre machines are not advised for it unfortunately x

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