
How do you get used to swallowing. I want to do it for my husband but I can’t lol I’ve never swallowed anyone except him before and I’m just not a fan of the taste. It’s not bad tasting it’s just hard to acquire that taste lol. How did you all learn to love it?
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Not saying to love it but if you want to flat out tell him eat better drink more water and his fruits and veggies and I promise there won’t be a taste maybe a taste to where you know it’s there but fr no taste only a taste bc of his diet


I used to be able to swallow no probs till I had my first kid now! I can’t fucking smell his cum! I did not know it had a fucking smell doesn’t smell bad it’s just weird! Now with the smell a texture I just can’t do it without wanting to literally Chuck my guts up after! Could this be his diet? It’s awful!

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