Do y’all cook for your husbands every night?

I be soooo tired I for 2 young kids, my man be at work 5-6 days out the week but when he does get home he don’t be getting home until 8:00 pm. I’m pregnant at 30 weeks and I just be so tired & drained watching 2 kids, cleaning, & cooking for them and myself. Then on top of that I have my own business & im still also working everyday. My man is upset that I don’t always have dinner prepared but I’m so tired. I do most the nights then not, but when I don’t he complains about how hungry he is. I just can never win!!!!!!
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Hubby works 16 hour shifts. Most of the time I cook except for Fridays & Saturdays. Friday we do left overs. Saturday out to eat. Those are my day offs and I’m a SAHM. If you’re working, plus doing the household things, plus pregnant, he should be grateful you cook all the time because I can assure you, I wouldn’t lol. I’d worried about the kids eating good and then him? You’re grown, find something.

i try to lol 😂

Not everday lol! He should understand that somedays you’re just tired! I prepare lunch box for my husband at night after my daughter falls asleep to take with him at work and I always have some precooked food from Costco if I don’t have time to do dinner ( theres so many options) or I can just do omelette for him or Salad and that’s it!

For me it sucks cause my kids (I have 3) will hardly eat anything…. I want to make a meatloaf and it will go to waste because only one of my kids will eat any and my partner but he doesn’t eat leftovers so I’m constantly throwing out almost full roasts etc. I will make dinner every night but it’s more for my kids than my partner.. we usually have a take out night and a frozen pizza night too

I don’t and I’m not about to start. Two adults live here. We share the adult responsibilities. When I’m not able to make dinner, my husband is a grown man who can feed himself and his family.

Hmmm he might need to lower his expectations because I think you're doing s lot!!! Do you have a crockpot?? That may help with cutting some time lots of yummy crockpot recipes online!!! Since you are working have him help prep potatoes and veggies when he can. Two parents working means both have household responsibilities. ☺️

Omg girl do not cook every day!!! He can fend for himself… when that baby comes it’s gonna get worse so start taking ur workload off and get used to being a princess at home bc u need to take care of urself and that baby and no body else .. practice doing less I know it’s gonna scare u bc u don’t want any arguments but we have to teach these men that women are tiredddd and men need to do more or not add more to our plate … that’s why they r the stronger gender bc they can handle more … let him figure it out … Don’t cook Friday, say, sun…. Practice living a slow life even if that will cost u some uncomfortable conversations.. but women need a slow life to be able to nurture our babies

I'm 8 weeks pregnant with my first. I work 40 hours a week and my husband works about 60 I honestly have not cooked at all the last two weeks aside from a few nights of mac and cheese and grilled cheese sandwiches. My stomach has been so sensitive to smells I just can't stand to cook rn. I too am also very tired. I'm hoping it passes soon as I enjoy cooking as a hobby and normally do elaborate meals but my hubby has been very understanding and has cooked for me, ordered take out or been fine with my "kids menu" dinners. I don't think your wrong in looking for a little compasion

Yess omg I can do freaking relate!!!!

Ngl I do not, and I did before I got pregnant but since being pregnant, the smell of raw food makes me sick. And cooking is now so exhausting. I still do 2/3 times a week, and he helps or we do take out lol

even when i did he didnt eat it. even if it was his favorite. so i stopped and said do it yourself

That sounds too much like oppression and a 1950s housewife to me. I'm not about to cook for a grown man. A grown man cooks for himself.

That is extremely annoying. I cook most of the time but one the rare days I don't (27w and a 10m old) I absolutely hate when he comes to me like a child "I'm hungry" on repeat 🙄 Sheet pan meals are life savers. Maybe double up to have leftovers. Pick a few quick and easy meals to make weekly. Chili mac, tacos, salads, pasta or rice mix. On the hard days I prep and let my husband cook, not sure how your man would feel about that. The biggest thing for you is you are already tending to two other children, working while pregnant. He can do something to take the load off you. You both work but your taking care of children while working. 3 jobs at once. If he doesn't understand that he needs a good thumpin on the forehead lol

I try to butttt we know somedays were just going to want to make it simple with a pizza, or he will slap steaks on the BBQ and I usually put frozen veg or fries in the oven. Other times if I know I'll want to crash by the end of the week, I'll make his favorites like bulk potato salad, coleslaw and it makes throwing the chicken breast in the oven effortless. If we're really not feeling it, we try someplace new

Hell no more like 3/month

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heck no , i hate cooking for one . being i have more cravings these days i have been cooking a bit more but we have to cook together or doordash will be ordered . before i got married to my husband i made it very clear i don’t do traditional gender roles. We are both grown and capable. with me being 37wks pregnant he has really been providing for me and making sure i eat and don’t stress or over do anythin g since that’s my nature . he does all the housework when he gets off work . he tells me every day this is what he’s always imagining doing for his wife . i try to cook and really show up for him sometimes being he doesn’t expect it out of me so it makes it easier to do for him. he appreciates my efforts just as much as i appreciate his.

@Anitra wow he’s very supportive !

@Taylor same girl. I have a one-year-old adopted son and I’m pregnant with my first and it’s been so hard to even cook for him because everything makes me nauseous moving around too much smelling food for too long. It’s been a nightmare and his dad has been giving me nothing but hell about helping with him while I’m pregnant, I’m glad yours is much more understanding than mine

Actually, my husband does most of the cooking. That's just our dynamic. He enjoys it. There are a few certain meals I specifically do when we want them but he typically cooks when he gets home.

Maybe try crockpot meals? Or he can understand how you are not able to cook sometimes

I cook 4 times a week and make big portions so we can have leftovers. That way there is always something for baby girl if she's feeling picky or hubby if he wants something specific

Costco has a lot of great prepared meals. My mans African so he hates American dishes but that is my recommendation if your not dealing with a picky eater

My husband and I literally go 50/50 with meal planning and cooking we have an insane routine down for planning meals, groceries, etc. we each cook two meals a week and have two easy days (think take and bake pizza or pasta) or an easy meal/take out night.

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