
Do my lad is transitioning to a sen school from mainstream I now feel the main stream are being more negative about my child and his struggles. He had had and still got days where he'll be at both schools in 1 day which is alot for his emotions and to go from transition to then learning. I feel were going to have this until he leaves mainstream has anyone else been through this? Just need someone to chat with who understands.
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That sounds like it’s too much for him. My son is in a sen school but wasn’t at his old mainstream when he transitioned. He left primary and went to Sen for secondary. The point of a transition is to make it easier for him not to overwhelm him xx

That's what I'm thinking but mainstream just seem to be not understanding this all of a Sudden, I did discuss this with the senco of mainstream maybe I should have another word. As his teachers should understand. He's a smart lad and has already said no more school name(mainstream).

He even knows it too much for him. It will be confusing for him as well cos Sen school will have different (or differently worded) rules to mainstream. If he’s transitioning to a new school he should only be at the new school if that makes sense otherwise he will be super confused what’s happening. If u ever want a chat feel free to message me.

Yeah he does bless him. Its strange how it's been done but he only has a few more to go until school holidays and 1 full day which will help him. And thank you. Yes the teachers from the sen school came the other day to talk and help put my mind at ease. We've been doing now and next with him which has helped I'm just annoyed how mainstream expected him to get back into their routine but it's hiw the transition is being done. As the teachers had to take him. So not in my control.

The mainstream school are expecting too much from him.

Just messaged ya and yes that what's made me cross

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