Getting a negative

It is so difficult to stay positive when you get negative tests every month. We’re on to month 4 of trying now and it is so mentally exhausting when you feel like you are doing everything right and still not getting what you want. I tried not to get my hopes up but it is just so difficult to stay positive. Any advice would be great! I know it’s still early on in the TTC process but mentally it is so difficult to not think that something could be wrong.
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Sometimes breaks are well needed. I have been TTC #1 for 10 years now. Im in a new marriage so technically with my husband, we have been TTC #1 for 5 years. Currently on a medicated IUI cycle due to PCOS and i am 11dpiui with a negative test. I feel like expressing your feelings with one another, taking breaks when necessary and getting information from a fertility specialist can help see the underlying issue. Hope this helps.

@Patrice I hope you get that positive test soon🙏 yes breaks I feel may be necessary for my sanity. It sucks that you can’t really see a specialist or so they say till after trying for a whole year. Idk if I will be able to wait that long if we keep getting negatives.

When I decided to take a break, I got pregnant that month 🤷‍♀️

@Dory probably cause you weren’t as stressed that month lol!

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.. I know it’s hard as I feel like I’m doing the same- trying for our second child. When we didn’t focus on it we then found out we were 2 months gone. (Though I had help- metformin) Though there’s nothing wrong with thinking there maybe someone medically wrong. As you never know there might be. I had been diagnosed with PCOS after a 2.5 year battle of trying to conceive. Obviously not saying this is your problem as it most probably isn’t. You’re just stressing yourself out and funnily enough bodies do weird things under stress and pressure. I know here in the UK after a year of trying they offer help via medication before referring you to fertility to help if that doesn’t work either. I don’t know what they offer you there. Just give yourself a break and try again when you feel ready. And still if you’re having no luck, go see a doctor. All the best girly 🤞🏼x

I definitely understand how disheartening it is! Just try to remember that 4 months is still totally within what’s considered ‘normal’ in terms of not being successful in that time frame. I do think there’s a lot to be said for having regular unprotected sex without all the tracking and testing to take a bit of the pressure off x

Things iv tried in the last 8 months For all 8 months LH ovulation strips ( both cheapy and Clearblue with no difference ) Sperm friendly lube both pre seed and conceive lube brand Last 2 cycles The above PLUS Mucinex tablets during fertile window Last cycle THE ABOVE PLUS THE SUPPLEMENTS

4 months is not a problem at all. I conceived in 4 months and I always say how I conceived very easily. After 12 months they say it’s a problem. That’s why after a year they say look into it. Every year at my annual gynecologist checkup, I did the ovarian egg reserve test and it always came back as very fertile. And I still conceived in 4 months. You should do the ovarian egg reserve test. It’s ALL about timing. For the first three months I just had sex on the day that my Clue app said I was ovulating. And then for the 4th month (for the first time ever), I bought the CVS brand ovulation strips tests and it told me the day I was ovulating. I used the ovulation test everyday of my fertile week based on the Clue app. So I had an idea of when to test myself. The ovulation test said I was ovulating 5 days before the date that the Clue app said. I listened to the ovulation test, because that would be more accurate. It is testing my urine where the app is just an estimate based on my cycle.

@Marie Sepanski Bartunek I think everyone has different feelings about time frame. Just because you conceived in 4 months does not mean everyone else will. I think you were trying to be supportive but the way you said it makes it seem like I should not feel this way. Getting a negative test regardless of how many months is always difficult. I’ve been using ovulation test every month I don’t ever go based off of apps because I use 4 and they all had different dates of when I am to ovulate.

I didn’t know you used the ovulation tests. Maybe I missed you saying that? I think I mixed you up with another person who posted something very similar on this app. I wasn’t trying to be supportive or not. I was trying to be informative. I usually hardly ever write to strangers and I don’t think I will again. I wish someone told me about the ovulation tests sooner, because I didn’t even know they existed.

@Marie Sepanski Bartunek just sharing my opinion. This is app is to be supportive and informative to other women. You are free to use the app and post as you please and as am I. Thanks.

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