PP or Toddler Woes???
I feel like I'm spiraling! I'm losing sight of myself. I feel like I'm losing the battle of transition with my child. 16 months and unable to shake the breastfeeding. No one seems to understand that it's not that easy to just stop when it's their main source of food ( picky eater). I don't get time alone. Besides work, I get 5 hrs a week to myself. And even that seems like a stretch. I feel lonely in a room full of people. I'm overwhelmed. Single parenting is hard. There's so many changes, and idk where to grasp on to me! Idk where to get more help. I want to do more with my child and feel guilty when I'm just too tired to do it. I need answers. My therapy used to be the gym, but there's no time to go. Am I overreacting??
First of all, this is all hard af. I have a 24 month old. I could only make it to 12 months of breastfeeding with supplementing in formula. Breastfeeding is exhausting and toddlers are exhausting. The nurse at my pediatrician said that if they aren't eating 5 colors a day that a vitamin can be used to help their nutrition. Ending your breastfeeding journey is a personal thing, but maybe with a vitamin you can get some relief. Everything is hard, your little person is probably testing boundaries and stretching your last nerves. The gym is great therapy, because it's getting out of the house and getting adrenaline and endorphins going. Can you do some of that in your neighborhood? Like go for a walk or run? Even if it's with your little in a stroller with you. Hope this helps! Sending ❤️