Baby boy has arrived 💙🥰

So as some of you may know I went to my 36 week appointment two Thursdays ago and was told I am 2cm dilated and 70% effaced, and my doctor didn’t think I’d make it to my due date of July 6th. From the beginning never thought I’d make it that far, but to my surprise he had arrived at exactly 38 weeks!! He was born a healthy baby boy June 22 weighing 7 pounds 3 ounces and is 18 & 1/2 inches tall. Here’s a little bit of background as I feel this contributed to me having the most amazing (and quick) labor experience ever On Thursday the 20th I had my 37 week check, he wasn’t doing to do a cervical check but since I thought I was losing my mucous plug he decided to. Well while doing the check we found out I was 3cm dilated and 100% effaced with my cervix being paper thin, so my doctor decided to do a membrane sweep. I instantly had some cramping which progressed into contractions but nothing to painful yet as it just felt like I was getting my period again. Well I decided to sleep it off and it stopped, however Friday around 2ish they started again however were not regular and were not as painful. I then decided to do figure eights on a medicine ball for about an hour around 5ish. That got my contractions jumped started real quick lasting about 45 seconds to a minute and 15 seconds each coming ever 3 minutes. I decided to go to labor and delivery, I got there at 9pm on Friday and found out I was still at 3 cm and 100% effaced, but my doctor decided to admit me. I had contractions all through the night and couldn’t get comfortable because of how intense they were getting. I didn’t get another cervical check until 8:50 the next morning and to my surprise I had progressed to 5cm!!! My doctor then decided to pop my water. (Mind you I haven’t had any pain medication by this time) That’s where the “fun” began. So as soon as my water broke at 8:53am I began having the worst contractions ever, that were never ending and so painful, now I know when they say take your breath away. I began experiencing extremely high blood pressure and severe nausea due to the pain and opted for nausea medication and the epidural (which I wasn’t sure about getting). I got the epidural about an hour later around 9:50, which honestly wasn’t bad until they start numbing you and it’s like something I have never experienced before. Well about 10 mins after my epidural I got checked again and found out I had already progressed to 9cm!!!! We waiting an additional 15 mins and boom I was at 10cm and almost ready to push. I was waiting until the feeling of pressure was right there and as soon as it was I was pushing for about 20 mins and out came baby boy!! So I’m extremely happy about my entire experience as although some time were tough my body did this on its own and didn’t need any augmentation, except popping my water which I would rather have then medicine any day!!! I feel like there are to many horror stories and not enough good ones, so wanted to share my POSITIVE labor experience.
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@Faith Oh my goodness he's so handsome congratulations momma Hope everything went smoothly without issues, and I'm hoping for a easy recovery for you If you need anything or to talk mom/baby feel free to add and message me

Congrats!!! Wow thank you so much for sharing your birth story!!

Congratulations 🎊🎉 and thank you for the wonderful birth and labor experience it makes me feel calm about possibly going into labor soon

Congratulations and thank you for sharing your story with us.

May I ask if this is your first or not? Congratulations and wish you all the best!

I had a similar experience with the membrane sweep. I was 40+2 had my first contraction during it (I was 2cm) and had cramping which just felt like period pains. Mine never got any worse pain wise and within 5 hours of having the sweep, my waters broke, got to the hospital 45mins later at 9cm and gave birth within 2 hours of arriving! Congratulations on your new arrival

@Alutza this was my first child!!! Thank you !

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