positive or invalid?

i’m out of town in mexico and on BC, but not a perfect taker and will sometimes miss one day and have to double up the next day. i’ve been seeing a lot of posts where people are pregnant and considering the name we chose for if our first was a girl and my period (sometimes comes, sometimes doesn’t on BC) was 15 days late, and i started spotting on and off three days ago. I decided to take a test just because the baby name thing was getting in my head, but didn’t think it would be positive because we almost ALWAYS use condoms along with the BC, literally only don’t if we run out and even then we use pull out on top of the BC. this test took FOREVER for the urine to actually pass through the test, vs every test i’ve taken from in america goes through super fast. it says check test in 3-5 minutes, and at 3 minutes the urine had barely just gotten into the circle (control panel) now that it’s settled, there’s definitely a line but i can’t tell if it’s grey or pink. i feel like i see one little section with some pink in the middle of the line and the rest (in person and picture) looks grey to me. also the control line kinda just stops part way down. i’m going to retest, but wanting to have some opinions while i wait to pee again because i absolutely hated being pregnant and i love my baby so much and have just been fine with only having him. i would love the chance to get my girl but i don’t even think going through another pregnancy feels worth it to me given how perfect my life feels with just me, husband, and baby boy. when i tested positive with him i was so excited and shaking, and i feel like im just dreading this being a positive test and going through 9 more months of misery and body changes😭
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It looks positive to me 😬

Looks positive to me hun your probably early on

It looks invalid to me. I would take a different one

update @Jeannie and @Ally we did run and grab a first response and some clearblues. i was crying and panicking and went ahead and took the first response after 2 hours and its fully negative, no question about it. i do recognize that this could be that i didnt wait long enough. my spotting is also heavier right now and i peed in a cup for that one, the urine was super colored from how much blood was in it (almost a dark peach) so idk if too much blood can have an effect or not. i’m still going to test tomorrow morning, but based on last period i’d be 7 weeks (which i didn’t pay attention to until after this post), so i don’t think it would be that i’m too early to test. my first i tested positive at 3w2d (we were trying and tracking) i did also mention to husband it would be sad but we should be prepared for the possibility of a miscarriage because of the bleeding

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