Partner won’t parent

My boyfriend/ baby daddy doesn’t spend time with his son unless it’s in public he likes to show off his son. Which we rarely ever even go out together. It’s just me and my LO. He works more than me and makes the majority of the money. How do I make him understand and do more without screaming at him to be a father? Cause that’s all I want to do.
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Well that's a bit gross. I'm guessing you have tried talking to him about it and asking him to do certain things like dinner time with the baby? Maybe you guys should start doing alternating tasks like every second night is one parents turn to do dinner and feed child and the other parent baths and dresses child for bed etc

@Jodie he’s become a glorified babysitter. He’ll watch him so I can’t get baths ready. Won’t hold him unless he’s half asleep. I could tell him whatever I want to it’ll be 2 days and no more. I’d have to remind him again. And that’s if he listens most times he responded in grunts and glances. I left my LO with him alone for the first time two nights ago to go to see a friend. And he texted me 20 minutes later asking when I’d be back cause his friends were waiting for him. I don’t even trust leave him alone with my son at this point

He sounds like an immature POS. That’s wrong of him to do. Unbelievable. It should be fucking obvious to him (even before you told him) that he has to take an active share in caring for his own child.

Sounds quite familiar honestly- I'm here if you need someone that understands

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