I don't know what to do!

So my daughter is 12, she attends a sen high school. She is non verbal. Has a chromosome deletion. She has been hitting out a lot lately, at home at school. It's nothing new, she has done this since being small. She gets quite aggressive. Obviously we have tried so hard to get her to stop this. She gets transport to and from school. She has been hitting the driver a lot lately. Today she hit him while he was driving and he had to take her back to school and I had to collect her. Her hitting has got a lot worse lately. I'm at my wits end. It's just getting worse instead of better. We've always rewarded good behaviour. Ignored naughty behavior, punished naughty behaviour, I've even bribed her sometimes when it's just been too much. I'm struggling to bad right now. I have other kids too. They are scared of her. When she really goes on one I have to admit even I have been scared. In the past I've had a fractured jaw from her, black eyes. I've been head butted, punched, pinched. Everything. She is in her room now and I've told her to stay there and think about how mean she has been and how she should be nicer. I really don't know what to do anymore and I have no one to turn to. Please don't judge me, this has taken a lot to write it and I'm just lost right now. X
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Does she have an escort? Where is she sitting in the car? Does she share transport? Does she have anything to keep her occupied? Have school suggested anything? Do you think it could be related to puberty or maybe being set off by the other kids? My son (although has his moments) is separated from his class and has his own room for a different reason as likes to wind others up and is very repetitive and also has more 1-1 support. He also has regular OT and activities such as cooking.

Yes she has an escort but she sits with another child. She is on a mini bus with 6 other kids. The only place for her to sit is in the front with the driver. We've tried numerous things to keep her occupied. School haven't suggested anything. I do think it is a mixture of puberty and tired after a long school day. She has 1-1 in class but not on transport.

Ok I’d write an email to transport asking that she gets her own transport and explain what’s happening. My son gets his own taxi. Unfortunately we’ve only had an incidence once where he hit the driver and he was banned from sitting in the front. This might also make her calmer when she arrives at school as well x

It could also be the anxiety about the end of year and change. Maybe something has happened like change of staff. I’ve also been on a safe restraint course which may or may not be helpful.

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