Positive or evaporated line?

I just don’t want to get my hopes up 😕
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The first test looks faulty but the bottom test is a clear positive

Agree with @Patrice ! Evaps do not have pink (or blue if using blue dye) color to the line, and that test is definitely pink! Congrats!

Looks positive could be a faulty top test but there’s definitely dye in those

Def bottom one is positive

Looks positive congratulations

Any symptoms ? Looks positive xx

How did your test look this morning??🥰🥰

I’m sorry hun, that is so weird though that you had the original posted tests with clearly pink lines and then nothing today… do you know how many DPO you are? Are you on any medications this cycle?

@Candice I’m thinking I was 19 DPO I just started tracking my ovulation I had a peak on the 5th I’ve been to doctor after doctor even a fertility specialist and they tell me just lose weight and I’ll get pregnant in no time I’ve lost 50 pounds still not good enough 😕 some say I have PCOS some say I don’t then I have thyroid issues but the thyroid specialist told me it has nothing to do with my ovulation then my gynecologist currently has me on medroxyprogesterone if I don’t have my cycle in three months I finished a round on the 11th then I’m supposed to take a test in two weeks if I’m not pregnant do another round to then get my cycles they say it’s supposed to make my brain start ovulation.

That’s so weird that the doctors are back and forth and don’t seem to really want to help! Idk what area you’re in but I suggest finding a good fertility specialist or OB. My OB diagnosed me with hypothyroidism and PCOS back in February & since then I was out on levothyrozine for my thyroid issues, after about 2 months we finally got my levels good & I started loosing some weight, then she put me on provera to force a “period” due to irregular ones from PCOS. then just recently she put me on metformin for PCOS, that has helped me loose weight and also has benefits for TTC with PCOS. & then the cycle I’m on right now, she started me on 2.5 of letrozole for 5 days & then trigger shot, I just had my trigger shot this past Saturday! But it doesn’t seem like you’re ovulating or not ovulating correctly, which is my issue. But like I said def find a good doctor who will listen and run tests to be able to diagnose you correctly and help you conceive! Best of luck!💛

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