Progesterone - false positive

Can anyone tell me if they have heard of progesterone causing false positive on home pregnancy tests? I have been on progesterone pessaries previously with all my medicated and natural cycles and there was no mention of the potential of this. I’ve changed specialists and have recently done IVF and had a FET. This specialist uses Crinone as progesterone support. Today I emailed the nursing team about having a positive HPT 6dp5dt and they have told me it’s too early to detect HCG and the Crinone can cause a false positive. Is this actually true?!
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No, that's not true lol. Crinone is natural progesterone supplementation. It contains no HCG whatsoever. Idk what your protocol was but if you had a trigger shot at all, that could interfere with your HPT. For reference, I've done fresh transfers and frozen transfers. The protocols always varied. Some cycles had trigger shots, others didn't. For the ones that did, I tested the trigger out. Typically, though, a result at 7dp5dt, 6dp6dt, or 9dp3dt can be pretty indicative of how the cycle went. The main reason they want you to avoid testing before 14dpo (9dp5dt) is to avoid a chemical pregnancy. Some clinics will have you do an HPT to detect chemicals though. Barring a trigger shot or HCG booster protocol, I'd say trust that +. Congratulations ❤️

Yeah I’ve done triggers previously in other medicated cycles but this transfer was a natural cycle. No trigger. I’m just going to be happy with my positive for now and hope it progresses. My last was a chemical so I’m well aware what could happen. Hoping it doesn’t 🩷

@B so if you get a trigger shot your pregnancy test could potentially say you're pregnant even if you're not, if you take it before 14 days past iui?

@Cheryl the trigger shot is HCG so yes you will test positive but by 14 days post IUI your trigger should be all out. That’s why some people test it out so they know once it goes if it comes back again it’s actual pregnancy not the trigger

@Jess 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 how is it looking?

@Cheryl echoing Jess. You'll want to look at it as 14 days past trigger shot. IVF is calculated differently than IUI. Your result at 14dpiui should be pretty solid.

@Jess look at that beauty 😍😍😍 I commend your will power. Once mine are + I can't stop. I'm 100% addicted to seeing positives 😅 How was beta?!

I think I was hurting my feelings more by testing daily and not being happy with the progression as opposed to the anxiety of waiting the extra day 😝 beta was good. 690 on Monday and 1800 today! So feeling good now. My betas have never been that good this early. I go for my 7 week viability scan on 19/7 🤗

@Jess lololol totally valid! Woooow talk about some solid betas! Amazing. Wishing you all the luck for your US. Do update if you feel up for it 🤗 Any plans on keeping your mind occupied between now and the 19th? Talk about a lifetime away 😜😅

Gosh I have no idea how I am going to make it! I’ve started a project of painting the house inside so I’ll try to do that to pass the time 😅

@Jess only a few more days!!! How are you doing? How goes the painting?

@B I’m going good! My scan went well 🤗 wasn’t done at the fertility specialist centre as that’s an hour away so we just had to go to another imaging place that’s not specific to pregnancy. Everything was as it should be measuring the same and we could see the heartbeat flickering but they didn’t let us hear it (I think because it’s a bulk bill place) 🤷🏽‍♀️ my friend is a midwife and she said if you can see it and measure it then you can hear it so maybe they just didn’t have the facilities for that. It was 147 bpm so I’m happy with that. I was supposed to have a review Monday with my specialist about the scan and next steps but he’s away till Thursday now so I have to wait a whole week 😫

The painting has pretty much been left to my partner as I have had horrible nausea from 6 weeks on the dot and I just cannot function some days 😂

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