Curious what you see

7dpo - always use this app to see lines in invert so I’m just curious. Both pics were taken at 5 minutes just at different angles and of course you have to zoom in some. I’m going with negative bc I see nothing but the app is in the first photo.. thoughts ? Other photos in comments
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Sorry mama. Not seeing anything. Its still early. Implantation occurs 6-12 dpo.

Still super early, you may not have even implanted yet tbh! If you’ve not implanted you’ll not get a positive! X

Aww I totally get it! I’m the same 😂 I defo see something on that recent one! 🤞🏼 keep me updated

@Samantha I will! I was already told most likely not gonna happen naturally so I’m really just testing now for fun bc I had so many tests leftover so we will see. Would be great but hopes definitely aren’t up.

Aww that would be a lovely surprise if it is then. I’ve got everything crossed for you 🤞🏼

@Samantha thanks mam!! 💖

I feel like I see a line in the last two pics. But it’s vvf and idk if there’s color but I def see something

@Samantha it’s all negative which is already known lol 11dpo today but I have short cycles and will either start tomorrow or Monday. But at least I got to get rid of some of these tests I bought. Ha

@Storm all negative -which I already expected so I’m not upset.

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