Wanting baby no.2?

For those who had fertility treatment, are you one and done or wanting more? I'd love more but the cost and thought of treatment is scary. I got pregnant with my 3rd round of IUI so not sure if I would risk it again and IVF is scary and expensive. I love having my baby so much and would love more but maybe I should just settle for one. I'd want to use the same donor we used from overseas too.....
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We had our first with IVF. It was very expensive but it all went smoothly and we were so lucky to get pregnant on our first transfer. We've been trying for a second for 2 years now and things have been very difficult this time and so far about 3 times more expensive. We really wish we could just settle and be happy with our one but this feeling that we're not complete does not go away. It feels very unfair that the cost of actually getting pregnant has to be factored so heavily into our decision to grow our families as LGBTQ+ parents.

@Zoe it is very unfair especially as our babies are so wanted!! I hope you get your second baby and wish you all the luck ❤️❤️❤️

I’m thinking we will try for a second. We did IVF and have 6 fertilised embryos left from the cycle to try with. Our first was born 7 weeks ago, I know it’s early days but we always said we would like to have two and for them to have a sibling, esp as they will have no cousins.

@Aitch big congratulations! That's amazing that you have 6 on ice. Wishing you all the luck and that's some good chances right there for a second ❤️

Thank you. We did 3 rounds of IUI and a failed IVF egg collection before the one where we got our little boy and the 6. Finger crossed we can get him a brother or sister in the next year or so once the credit card is looking a bit better

We are trying for baby no2 - starting with IUI and will move to IVF if that doesn’t work. But we have talked about not being able to keep trying forever if it doesn’t work!

@Marie wishing you lots of luck! Did you do IUI with your first?

Thank you! Yes we did IUI the first time, I got pregnant on the second attempt. Actually I have just had a positive pregnancy test after my second attempt at IUI this time… early days but feeling positive 🤞

@Marie aaaaaah congrats!! Everything crossed for you xx

Myself and my partner (birthing mum) caught on our first round of IUI - we were really lucky! My partner gave birth to our little boy in April this year ☺️ We did initially consider egg sharing but due to the cost we decided not to. I’m going to carry our second (starting treatment next year - using the same donor) as we both wanted to experience pregnancy/giving birth.

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