Dying friendships

So I’ve been best friends with this person for half our lives and recently I’ve just been noticing the friendship is dying there’s a lot of comparison and jealousy I’m married they are single and they like to comment things like “I’m doing everything on my own I don’t have help” I’ve never bragged or belittle so I never understand that comment long story short a long term friend who is mutual is pregnant so I’ve went over to help her with nesting and my friend hasn’t spoken to me in almost a month they didn’t specify if that was the reason but knowing how they are it seems about right what should I do because I’m thinking of just ending things and moving on we are adults and this is just childish and annoying honestly I’ve had the hardest year of my life and my friend chooses to be upset or I guess stop talking to me if they try to rekindle I really don’t think it’s possible any advice ?
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Went through this very thing! I got so tired of the obvious comparison and resentful remarks. I thought getting married made her angry but the moment I got pregnant, everything changed. I even talked to her like, I love you and let's not let a pregnancy change our friendship. Because everyone was telling me that it would. Well, she was so bitter and I found out later she would tell everyone bad things about me behind my back. All of a sudden, I get pregnant, and I'm the worst friend of 25 years. Well, when I gave birth she ended up saying how she was hurt because I didn't call her and it wasn't special between me and her. I was like, what? I literally just gave birth. Long story short, she told me how she felt. I told her how I felt. And we left out seperate ways. I let her know the door was always open to talk if she wanted. That was 4 years ago. Sometimes friendships really are just over.

@Darci wow that’s crazy and yea I feel like having a baby really shows who is supportive in your life and that’s ok if that support isn’t from who you expect thanks for your comment

First, a jealous friend isn’t a good friend, so let them go. A real friend is happy for you. Secondly, it’s very hard to stay friends once you have a baby and the other person doesn’t. I feel like my best friend no longer really wants to hear about my daily motherhood struggles. It’s hard to relate. I’m trying to keep the friendship alive, but ultimately it takes 2 people to want to keep the friendship and to make the effort.

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