@Janina i ended up on bed rest in my first trimester and because it’s twins they recommended me staying away from the gym :( just because i was out of weight lifting for a while they didn’t trust what would happen if i went back to it. literally have nothing to do ever :(
Have you asked if light swimming would be okay? That could be something nice to do. Which area are you from? If you’re close I don’t mind going for coffee etc ❣️
Pick up a hobby i say. Knitting crochet.. reading.. ! Xx use these moments to relax cause it going to be hectic from when baby is here. I mean it's amazing but sometimes it can be a bit too much to find your own time is limited! Xx
I agree with hobbies. I love crafting. So my biggest are crochet & cross stitch. Colouring can be therapeutic too.
See if there’s a local walk group near you so at least you can walk with others. Or pop along to coffee mornings local to you cafes and village halls run all sorts of things. Have a browse and see what you can get involved in to break up your day.
You tell me! I’m just a house wife, I take care of the house and go to the gym on the days I have energy, but not having friends in the area makes it lonely! So I’m open to hear what people get up to as well 🫶🏼