What is going on

Took a pregnancy test May 29th. It was negative. Got my period June 10th-14th. Had sex almost every day since the 13th of June. I am so fucking emotional the last couple days and the worst part is I’m noticing how emotional I am. I can literally cry on demand. But it’s too early for another pregnancy test right? My calculator is saying I’m not due for another test until the EARLIEST July 7th. Can I take one now? Or is anyone who is not pregnant just super emotional this last week? The heat? Stress? My astrology? like wtf lol.
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Are you tracking your ovulation? You could be ovulating. I always get hormonal when I am... breakouts, emotions, etc. Either way, hopefully you'll get a positive this time.

Way too early to take a test. How long is your cycle? If it is around 28 days, it's likely you've literally just ovulated 3 days ago. So you could be emotional due to your hormones in the luteal phase of your cycle. I always felt emotional just after I ovulated. I would strongly recommend tracking your basal body temperature and your cervical mucus to get to know your cycle better. Are you using any apps like flo or clue which would help you understand how your cycle works? On any case, I would recommend waiting until your period is actually late to take a test. Even if you were pregnant in this cycle, there most likely hasn't been implantation yet so the pregnancy hormone hasn't been released for the test to be positive. I know it's hard to be patient and ttc is frustrating and disheartening but I would wait until you've missed your period. I read this book called taking charge of your fertility and learnt so so much about my body it was incredible. Good luck!

@Aurélie that’s the problem. I do use Flo but my cycle is so friggen all over the place that even Flo is confused. According to them I’ve been ovulating the last two weeks. You’re right. It is super frustrating. I just wish I had a better hold of it and I have zero idea how.

The only other thing was my June period was super short and super light for me. Is it possible the May 29th test was too soon? 😫

Oh OK, sorry I didn't realise your cycle was all over the place. I didn't meant to be patronising. Have you ever been to see a specialist? Has it always been this irregular or just this month? I appreciate how frustrating it must be. I do think you should get your hands on that book I mentioned and track your bbt, you'll understand when/if you ovulate at least. Flo app is a bit rubbish for people with irregular cycles. Depending how heavy your period was, you could just take a test for peace of mind (my sister got pregnant while bleeding often and having irregular periods as she has suspected endometriosis). I'd definitely go and see a specialist if this is recurring.

My cycles can also be a little irregular, and I bought and used a fertility monitor. Along with tracking BBT, and ovulation tests. It's definitely stressful when you can't pinpoint your ovulation window.

Id do a test cos if the June one was super short it could have been implantation bleeding not an actual period. Also the may test could have just been too early. Some people ovulate really early after period others are late it really is all over the place even with a normal cycle length.

@Natalie I thought the same now that we have a bit more info... 😬 Fingers crossed for the original poster! Please keep us updated!

I’m going to go and buy a two pack. I’ll take one now and hold the other for a week to see. This is going to drive me nuts

Always best to take first thing in the morning as that's when HCG levels are highest.

@Natalie well if my June period wasn’t actually a period I don’t think it matters when I took the test I would have been pretty decently positive at this point. However it was negative so that was definitely a period just a very weird one. 🥹 I’ll try again next week at some point . Thank you ladies. I just don’t know why my emotions are all over the place. Crying, angry, sore boobs. It could just be what @Aurélie said during the luteal phase

Oh I'm sorry this is all so confusing. I also know that stress can impact your follicular phase and delay ovulation (luteal phase should always be roughly the same length). I know it's easier said than done but try not to obsess over it, distract yourself, live your life, do nice things and hopefully everything will get back to normal. I'd definitely see a specialist if it happens again and you have irregular periods, especially if you're ttc. Also good to just learn more about your body and the signs, keep track of everything (when you have alcohol, stress, experience etc...) good luck! Take care of yourself x

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