Daycare meal times??

Daycare questions about meal times? My husband and I both work 8am to 530-6 pm. Our older girl is in a summer camp thing. Dropped off 730 picked up 530. It’s a 20 minute drive with good traffic. My girls who are 4 and 2 have never been so I’m not sure on rules/routines. We give them each a bowl of fruit and glass of milk before daycare at 645 am to hold them off until breakfast at 830 am. They’re dropped off at 7:15 am. They then give them lunch at 10:30 am. Quiet time is 11:30 am to 2:30 pm then at 3 a snack. By the time we get them home and cook,they’re eating dinner at 630/7. They are frantic,whining,starving and uncomfortable. Tonight they each had 2 separate meals because they were STARVING. Is this normal for daycare to do meals like this? If it was breakfast,snack, lunch maybe they wouldn’t be so hungry by pickup?
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They’re not eating from 10:30 am to 3:00pm? that’s not normal? That’s damn near 4 hours!

Yeah because 1130 am to 230 pm is “quiet time” when my 4( 5 in August) hasn’t napped in two years.

My biggest issue is the snack at 3 isn’t enough to fill them up until we get them home at 6 pm and still have to cook

Lunch 10:30? Omg, I don’t think that’s ok, my daughter eats breakfast at 9, lunch 12, nap 12:30-2:30, and snack at 3

We got off late and they were so hungry we didn’t even have time to cook. Every body was crying hungry and starving. They both ate 2 cups of Mac and cheese!

Lunch is usually at at least 11:30 so nap time can be 12-2 with snack at 3pm and late snack around 5

Unfortunately it is normal, usually lunch is around 11-11:30 so they’re doing it super early! But yes normally it’s 2 to 3 snacks and one meal

My daycare is breakfast between 7-8 depending on drop off time, 9:30/10 snack 12/12:30 lunch, quiet time/nap then snack 2:30/3 then home time is 5:30 latest, I do home daycare so times are more flexible and depends on who I have/age of the kiddos

That’s a long quiet time.

@Deeana yes, I’ve never heard of that before

@Mary Miles even if that’s a nap, it’s 3 hours long and that’s insane. Also the time that lunch starts is literally morning and quiet time is a whole hour AFTER that. Wild

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