I’ve got one “not advised for overnight sleeping”. So I only use to place her on my bed as I change etc
Advice is don’t use them, but i went against the advice, my baby sleeps in a purlfo and has done since a week old, she sleeps a lot better in it. The purflo is like a sleepyhead. I done research before I bought it, it’s fully breathable and can be used for overnight sleep. X
Yeah all nests and positioners go against lullaby trust guidance on safe sleep, so any that say they "are suitable for overnight sleep" is just clever marketing and still against guidance. I know people who have used them successfully, I also know of several babies who have died in them (I'm a post mortem paediatric radiographer, I take X-rays of babies who have died) so it's not something I would ever use.
Advice always changes. Ultimately, it's up to you as a mum. I never used one, but you need to be comfortable and sure of yourself. X