4 months but really stumped on what to do

My baby is a good baby in terms of independence. Always slept in bassinet or pack n play. Even for naps. Even asks to go down / is fussy til we put her down and within minutes she gets herself to sleep self soothing. So why don’t we sleep well at night? We never did. She wakes every two or three hrs. When she was a newborn it was worse. And now at 4 months we’re back to 3 to 1.5 hr sleeps in the night. The problem for me is she’s not seeming to look for confort. She feeds (like actually eat eats. Not just suckle) or poops. I cater to what she needs and I put her down awake, and she goes back to sleep. So what is with the frequency?!? I don’t know what to do. I feel like Ferber sleep training isn’t the right thing because she is so good about going down awake and self soothing (she turns her head side to side and does whale tail) but it’s very calm and no crying or upset at all. So I’m stumped.
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There isn't anything right now you can do but wait for the regression to finish. Shes also most likely waking up and feeding more frequently as you say, because the regression is caused by a growth spurt/milestone in her development. My teenagers went through this and my 7 week old is in week 2 of her regression. Shes waking up hungry (and as a result of eating more, is also popping more), and then when shes got what she needs is going back to sleep. Its a case of just riding it out. While I dont agree on Ferber method (and thats my opinion for my children and not a judgement on anyone else), I also don't feel its the right method with the only issue of just more frequently waking, but going straight back to sleep. You got this Mama, but its gonna be a tough ride for a little while x

@Samantha thank you! I posted that 3 weeks ago and I’m still in it lollllll. She’s so good I can’t fault her. But it’s funny. The other day I fed her when I went to sleep hoping it would cut out her 1 am feed. Nope. She was like sweet extra food and also woke at 1 am lol

Yep, so my LO is on week 2 of her regression & I got her weighed for the first time since she was 2 weeks old & she's gone from 7lbs 6 to 10lbs 7oz. They say a maximum of 32oz total for that days milk, but because I demand feed, she has 4oz every 3 hours & then wakes up sometimes at random points for more milk. I think maximum shes has more like 40oz as a result just because she's hungry. Its tiring don't get me wrong, but like your LO she's a happier baby & so good too! I know we will get through it all, for me it's with a boat load of caffeine & cat naps during the day when my hubby takes her so I can catch up. It amuses me because my LO looks at me sweetly, I'm like I cant even be mad even if I wanted to be at her being awake again lol. Shes always wanting to contact nap as well, I think that's the hardest bit for me when I am sleep deprived but not because I dont want to, but because I try to sleep when she does which is hard when her eyes snap open as soon as I put her down in the day. Night, no issue :)

@Samantha yep to all of this. When she sleeps longer than an hour I miss her but also am like “don’t wake up yet though” lol.

I find it hard to know how much he is eating because I exclusively breastfeed, but he seems to eat ravenously for at least a few mins at every waking!

@Shalni same. My baby bit me yesterday on 1 nipple and todays feeds have been so painful so tonight I gave her the other boob before bed and pumped the bitten one… I got 2.5 oz and so she’s probably eating 3 to 3.5 per boob as I find the babies are more efficient than a hand pump. UPDATE: I wrote this more than 1 month ago and she’s now 5.5 months old. She still wakes multiple times. Usually at midnight. 4 am and 6 am. It’s very difficult. We’ve been doing feber method for naps and bedtime. It’s been a breeze. She goes down so well. I don’t let her cry cry but only whine cry and I check in at certain intervals and now we’re at 1 check in if any. Most times she just smiled and goes to sleep now. So that’s why I’m stumped about the sleep / why she wakes.

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