Pregnancy with no period

Has anyone found out they’re pregnant without having a period? I took two tests last night just to randomly check. They are both positive, but I haven’t had a period since March. I know it can happen, but I’m curious if anyone else has experienced this! I had my daughter 3 years ago so the missed periods aren’t from pp. I did test after my missed period in April and it was negative.
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That happened to me with my first. I had gotten off birth control around February and we started trying around June and found out in August we were pregnant. Not one period between February-August. The only reason I found out so quickly I was pregnant was because I had my annual pap and they told me. You can still ovulate with no period. Heck these days I get my period for a single day and that’s it

Congratulations!!! And I love those little toe beans 🐱❤️

@Caitlynn I haven’t used birth control in about 7 years. When I took the test I was certain it would be negative, but I’m still shocked!

@Caitlynn Thank you! My cat was being nosey while I took the picture 😂

Yes definitely, last year I fell pregnant in January after not having a period since the October before, I then had 2 miscarriages and fell pregnant straight after each one without having a period.. so by may last year I had been pregnant 3 separate times and no period x


Yes, you don't have to have a period before ovulating, it only happens after. So if you hadn't been ovulating before then and then get pregnant when you finally do, you'd get pregnant without a period.

@Jenny When I was tracking ovulation I could never find my peak so I’m really surprised

Did you ever get positive OPKs or no positives at all?

@Jenny I don’t think I had any positives at all, I was using mommed and then I tried a different brand that I don’t remember the name of. I stopped tracking once I started my last period

Yes I'm having my 4th baby in 4 years no periods in 6 yrs an EBF

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