Crazy emotional toddler

My 3 year old is driving me CRAZY! He cried for EVERYTHING?! He is kinda limited on words (no the issues) so he doesn’t care if I try to “calm talk him” like rn he cried because I asked him to clean up but SCREAMED like someone was hurting him and he starts to hit me. Or my husband took one of his toys to play with him and screamed bloody murder he tried to tell him to say all done and he does sometimes but most time no. He screams and only hits me! The terrible 2 weren’t as bad as the 3s! I can’t take it anymore . Idk what to do calm talking doesn’t help eventually he stops and asks for hug. But it’s everything even a song or show he doesn’t want sometimes he will ask “change it” but most times he will just do a high pitch scream and it triggers me so bad
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cut sugar and screen time. get at the child level and say All done,firm not loud. ur child is seeking ur reaction. making sure the child is sleeping well too and pray over her bed

@Mom Anna we don’t do sugar or artificial colors no IPad either just TV but I’m thinking of stopping that

Praying I need to tbh I’ve falling behind on that

my child had even sleep paralyses it was horrible. multiple tantrums. In the name of Jesus all gone.but also took to child therapy play therapy. my child is not the same kid, its another human being.

Wow I’m so sorry about your baby I’m glad to hear he is better .

Has your toddler been evaluated for being on the spectrum? Meltdowns could be associated with that. Or he's just being 3 🙃 mine screamed the other day because I asked him to get ready for dinner lol. I swear, my toddler is so bipolar haha

@Alice yeah we got mix reviews his pediatrician and his early intervention specialist say no further testing areas of concern will age out but the school who saw him for one hour say he needs 5 hours special education with people with high levels of autism and I refused his IEP. It’s been very complicated but his tantrums always have a reason when on the spectrum it can be for no reason and it’s also age appropriate it’s very tricky my school district doesn’t want to provide extra help only special Ed and they want him to do everything on the iPad and we don’t give him an iPad

He cried because he has to do something or can’t have something and not because he is over stimulated

Age 3 is harder than 2 in my opinion and tantrums are normal for all toddlers. Two things that help for me are 1. Giving warnings before transitions. “we are going to pick up in 5 minutes. 10 minutes until we have to go home, etc”. Some even use a timer so the child knows when the time goes off it’s time for whatever. 2. Giving options for little things you’d like them to do. “Do you want to wear your blue or red shoes? Would you like a banana or apple with lunch? Do you want to pick up your legos or cars first?” This builds confidence and helps them feel in control of situations (which is what most toddlers want).

He sounds like he needs discipline. My kid is really difficult when he doesn’t get enough sleep, but a couple of successful visits to time out seems enough to remind him I don’t accept that behavior. Then, we’ll snuggle for a few minutes and either do bath and stories or a show if I feel he’ll fall asleep.

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