O negative blood

So bacially I have o negative blood, my partner had positive blood, when I was pregnant with my daughter they did my bloods in which they found I was o negative. At 24 weeks pregnant I had a big bleed with my daughter. When my daughter was born they took bloods and she is also rh positive, how will this affect future pregnancies? I was told with your second baby it may be harder as my body will try and attack the cells of the baby? I just wondered if anyone else had had the same situation and gone onto having healthy pregnancies/babies
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I’m rh neg, and both my boys are + If you had your anti d injections when you should have, then it’s very likely to make absolutely no difference to future pregnancies.

@Chloe thankyou that’s made me feel a lot better! I was offered the anti d injection when I had the bleed with my daughter so had it then. I was told by a midwife when I was pregnant with my daughter who’d now 2, that there’s risk of miscarriages, premature birth even still birth with future pregnancies so I’ve been worried since x

Did you have any more in that pregnancy/after delivery, or just the one when you had a bleed? Oh that’s not helpful is it! She’s right in that the risk does increase if you made antibodies from the first pregnancy, or a risk of rhesus disease for any future babies, I would do a little bit of reading online about it for further reassurance too 😊

@Chloe no, I was only offered it the once. Yeah I’m going to do some research on it I just wanted to hear some other stories as I know its easy to look too deep into things then I scare myself but thankyou for your help x

I’m RH Negative and currently 38 weeks with my second little boy. As long as you have your anti D injection you should be fine. I even had a bleed this time round so have had two lots of anti D this pregnancy x

I am in the USA idk what anti d injections are but they have something called Rogam shots that you get during your pregnancy and it just fixes everything for you and baby.

@Kaitlin yea it’s the same thing just called something different x

@Sophie that's what I thought lol 😂

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