Evap or positive?

Hi friends! I had a miscarriage at 5 months in March with our sweet girl, Willow. We just started trying again and I’m terrorizing myself with this two week wait. Can someone tell me if this looks like a faint positive or an evaporation line? It showed almost immediately and I know it’s VERY faint in this photo but it’s a little darker in person (I had to turn the flash on). I feel like I’m going nuts over here because it’s so light but I’m also only 9dpo so it’s very early!
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First off, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of sweet Willow. My heart aches for you. I do see the line!! If it showed immediately (and within the time frame that specific test talks about) then I would be optimistic too! From what I understand evap lines take a little while to show. I’d take another test in a couple days to be sure. 💕

@Emily thank you so much Emily! That means so much. She was honestly perfect and I’m so grateful that we got to meet her and see her! 🩷 Gahh thank you also for the validation that I’m not nuts! Really crossing my fingers and sending prayers up for this one. Xo

@Leanna I’m hoping this is it for you too! I’ll be praying for you and your growing family! 💕

@Emily I appreciate you so much! Happy to pray for you and your sweet family too! 🩷

@Leanna Ditto! Thank you so much 😊

@Leanna I can see the line as well 🙂 I would try in 24h hours again just to make sure.

I can see the 2nd line and also I'm so sorry for your loss of your sweet baby girl willow and pray for a healthy pregnancy for you ❤️

I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my little boy at 5 months and I now have a healthy 13 month old so wishing you nothing but positive vibes xx

A little better today y’all! I think I’ll have a much better idea tomorrow morning :)

@Sarah thank you so much Sarah 🩷🩷

@Jodie Awh Jodie I’m so sorry. I truly wouldn’t wish this on anyone. Your little boy will forever be lucky to have you as his mama 🩷 Congratulations on your 13 month old!! Thank you so much xx

Please take other test and I’m sorry for your loss ! This test gave me fake positive 🥹

@Diana Awh I’m so sorry! Sending baby dust your way :) I’ve taken about 6 tests as of now (different brands) and they all have a faint line, so fingers crossed!

Yay so happy for you 🥰

I’m so sorry mama I lost my sweet baby boy Albie at 17 weeks in September 2023 🥺🤍 it was so good to see him and say goodbye . I feel your pain . We started trying in December and I found out I was pregnant in April . Currently 16+5 and I’m dreading to get to 17 weeks 🥺 have scans every 2 weeks and I cry every time I’m there until I see the heartbeat then I get some relief. I can see a line on the test ! Try and order the one step tests from Amazon . There are so cheap and so good .

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@Nicol Awh friend, I’m so sorry! I’m glad you got to see him, I know that was something that meant so much to me 🩷 Yeah I think that will be one of the scariest things is getting to that time of the pregnancy again but I believe this will be good for the both of us 🩷 Sending so much love your way 🥹 I will def look into these tests!!

Any updates? ❤️

@Leanna ahhhhh!! Yay!!! That makes me happy! I’m so excited for you!!

@Leanna congratulations!!!

@Leanna congratulations mama 🩷🩷


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